Benefits of a ROVR System
Lower Customer Acquisition costs
Our platforms help you leverage your existing customers to generate leads and referrals for your company. Consumers are much more likely to buy when referred to a product from someone they trust, allowing you to save on cold-lead generation.
Increase sales
By introducing ROVR Enterprise to your company's sales pipeline, you will have access to a suite of products that allow you to ensure you are generating and closing the leads that matter the most. We help you target, both in person and online, the customers who will have the highest propensity to buy.
Gain Valuable Customer Data and Insights
Having your own ROVR Enterprise Solution gives your company the ability to determine your own KPIs and gain additional insights that compliment traditional cookies, tracking, and external social networks.
Push Targeted Offers and Deals to Users
Ensure that your customers see promotions that are applicable to their wants and needs. Your application will come complete with the ability to deliver targeted offers from you and your partners to the users who will benefit from a particular deal.
Drive employee loyalty
With 66% of Millennials expecting to leave their current company by 2020, you can drive increased employee loyalty and appeal to this generation’s affinity for social technology. Millennials are attracted and loyal to companies who understand their wants and desires.
Foster Company Culture
Millennials want to work for corporations who focus more on their people over their bottom line. Your own internal social application will bring your employees together across your diverse workforce.
Increase Customer Satisfaction
With Millennials being the largest generation in US history (92M), your company can differentiate itself by leveraging social technology. By creating your own customer experience app, you will capture greater market share, build better customer relations and increase retention.
Move Beyond Email Lists
While massive email campaigns continue to be effective, they are limited in their ability to effectively target mobile audiences. Your own social application allows for direct mobile marketing to your customers whenever you want at almost no cost.